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Charlotte Typography

Charlotte Typography

< 1 min read

Charlotte was super nice to us. Somehow we manage to show up in cities just when all the fun design meet-ups are going on. There was an AIGA happy hour and an early morning “buzz” meet-up, needless to say, we were a bit late to the buzz session. It was however, very cool. Charlotte has a very active design community. Huge thanks to Nikki Mueller for letting us crash at her place and setting everything up for us. We had a chance to get some coffee/dinner with Jason Keath, pretty rad dude. He’s rocking the social media conferences at socialfresh.com. We also had a chance to meet with two design firms that do some amazing work, Studio Banks and Mode. We’ll post their interviews shortly.
While we were in Charlotte we were invited to go on a Typographic tour with a design class from CPCC. Someone from the class has a better photo of everyone so send it to us if you can!
Mmm typography and textures!

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