August 1, 2009
Cute Little Kittens
< 1 min readRound 2 is officially underway. Huge thanks to everyone that has been helping us out, especially everyone that has put a pin in our map. Woo! So excited to meet you all.
If you are new to our site, thanks for stopping by. We are designing our way across the country. Stopping in cities and helping out small business owners with design work for the price of gas/food just enough to get us to the next town. The economy sucks, but we want to spread some design love to whoever we can. Help us spread the word if you can. We are also going to be talking with a TON of designers, creatives, artists, developers, students, business owners, etc. Be sure to check us out, we’re going to spice things up this round.
We will be in Henderson, TX till the 4th and then we are heading to Dallas. If you are in the Dallas area you should RSVP for the tweet-up August 5th, 6PM. It is going to be magical.
We’ve made a few minor changes to the site, as always if you have any recommendations, let us know. You can check out all the interviews we’ve done and will do over at There is now an “interviews” link up top, so check it out. The Fuel Brand Network is really helping us out and we are looking forward to producing some very cool content with them.