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Marketing, website, and branding tips that convert

New Work Part Two

New Work – Part 2 of 2

2 min read

We’re really proud of our latest website launch: ogorman-schramm.com This is an amazing photography agency out of New York. Seriously, their photographers are incredible, go check ’em out.

Shot of the homepage.

Shot of a photographer’s page.

We also had the chance to work on a few other things for their site. This is a PDF we designed for their spring portfolio. It was pretty easy to put together because all of their photographers are just ridiculously awesome, so no matter how you show the photos, they look rad. Below is a shot from one of the pages.

We also worked on a post card to announce the new site. Our inspiration came from a status update on facebook from our clients: “We are making progress on the new site….it’s like giving birth…. slow and filled with anticipation. We are so happy with the designers we are working with.”
Actually…we’ll just show you our gchat conversation about the postcard:

me: thoughts on what this post card should say?

Martin: Small : check out out new site

Large : designed by these two magical beasts (our logo)

me: perfect

Martin: Umm

Martin: Probably just something like, we are so excited to announce blah blah

me: the birth of our new digital baby

they did tweet about it being like childbirth :0

Martin: That’s good

Make it like a birth announcement

me: heh, done.”

Oh and here is the postcard.

We were lucky enough to work with some really awesome clients (Emily & Susan) and can’t wait for what’s in store for the future. Huge thanks to Mel Hogan for letting us crash at their place while we were in KC and connecting us with O’gorman-Schramm. That is why you go to AIGA meet-ups and have drinks with rad people. Designers are rad people.

Here’s a taste of what’s coming.

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