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Marketing, website, and branding tips that convert

Stella Southern Cafe

Our team developed a brand identity, restaurant launch plan, and a social marketing campaign with plenty of biscuit puns, and a touch of southern sass.


College Station, TX




  • Restaurant Branding

  • Logo Design

  • Menu Design

  • Content Marketing Campaign

  • Environmental Graphics

  • Social Media Management

dotted background Small micro-animation of a spinning plus sign

We created a custom script logo and cool palette to reinforce the charming, light-hearted, whimsy of the brand.

#StellaMugshots led the marketing campaign

The marketing focused on encouraging user generated content. Using the hashtag we created, #StellaMugshots, guests posted photos holding one of the Stella coffee mugs. This was a driving force for establishing a culture of UGC, and tons of social content.

On to the next project

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