August 7, 2009
Monsters and Flying Saucers
< 1 min readThanks to all the guys that came out to the Flying Saucer for the dallas tweet-up. We had a blast. It was great to meet everyone and it really set the momentum for the beginning of the trip. We are stoked!
Thanks again to @kylesteed for setting the whole thing up and letting us crash with him. Very cool guy.
Oh and check out the sweet monsters we all drew on the back of our coasters.
Recently we were also contacted by a Pro Video Game team to bang out a logo for them. We’re pretty stoked on how it came out.
We also got our new company debit cards in the mail, complete with our company and personal names. It may seem trivial but to us its a big deal. Again, we’ve used our high tech blurring system to blur out all the super secret information.